Neil Lepp 2023 Swim Meet

Start date Mar 17, 2023
End date Mar 19, 2023
Declaration open Feb 17, 2023 12:07 PM
Declaration deadline Feb 22, 2023 11:08 PM
Eligibility Royal Glenora Gold (RG members) Royal Glenora Silver (RG members) William Lutsky - Silver (Full Wednesdays) William Lutsky - Silver (Standard) Jamie Platz - Silver (Full Wednesdays) Jamie Platz - Silver (Standard) Silver Gold Junior Provincial Senior Provincial
The Neil Lepps swim meet is a two day competition for swimmers in the Silver group and higher. We have an entry limit into the meet of 50 swimmers in the 11&U session and 40 swimmers in the 12&over session. 
There will be NO Spectators allowed for the 12&over session. Due to facility limitation the seating during that session will be for swimmer use only. 
The signup deadline will be Tuesday February 21, 2023. Families will be notified following the signup if their child will be able to participate in the meet. 
