General desciption
For Intermediate to Advanced Officials. Working with the electronic timing interface or the recording interface on computer to ensure correct recording of competition results. Positions include Recorder / Scorer, Chief Finish Judge (CFJ), Quantum Operator, or other as needed.
"Electronics" positions are broken into a few key roles: the Chair (lead role), Timing Operator (Quantum), Recorder-Scorer (Hytek), and Chief Finish Judge. These positions work closely with the meet referee to ensure accurate results for the meet. There are very limited Electronics positions at a competition, and therefore It is expected that Electronics volunteers learn all of the positions over time to encourage more redundancy of knowledge throughout this crucial operation of a swim meet.
timing system operator
The current software of choice as a timing system for swimming in Alberta is called "OMEGA Quantum-AQ" by Swiss Timing.
Swimming Canada requires officials to be certified in one of several positions. It is then recommended to shadow several shifts to further reinforce and practice the officiating role. Timing System Roles are: Electronics Operator & Chief Judge Electronics (CJE).
Courses and certification are governed by Swimming Canada. Certifications and Clinics
Recording system operator
The current software of choice as a reording system for swimming in Alberta is called "Meet Manager" by Hytek.
Swimming Canada requires officials to be certified in one of several positions. It is then recommended to shadow several shifts to further reinforce and practice the officiating role. Recording System Roles are: Recorder / Chief Recorder & Chief FInish Judge (CFJ).
Courses and certification are governed by Swimming Canada. Certifications and Clinics